Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bananas and Pajamas

So things in the house are getting interesting with Chani learning new stuff everyday.  She's starting to learn cause and effect and it's fun to watch her try to figure out what happened and how to replicate it.  Like a couple  of weeks ago she was sitting in her exersaucer thingy bob flailing her arms around, when she hits the one of the three big buttons that makes a noise of some sort.  Now she was looking at the lion hand puppet that's right next the keyboard when she did it, so she spins really fast to look at this lion and just grabs it and starts tugging on the thing like if it doesn't make that noise again she's going to choke the stuffing right out of it's ears.

(and that giant tall green thing in front has two discs that she likes to clack together and has recently figured out how to pull just right to get them to come off...and make mama look for something else to pick up)

She's also chewing on everything so we think that she'll start cutting teeth soonish.  She's been in the drooling gnawing stage for a while, but now she's actually chewing and she's constantly wet on her front from her spit fountain of a mouth.  She's doing well on eating solids and we're starting to transition her into table foods and so I picked up one of those "safe-feeders" to help.  At first I was opposed to the idea because in my head people would be giving the baby regular baby food and then abandoning the poor starving child to their own feeding.  Then Tara pointed out that baby food would run right out of it and she thought it would be good because it would help teach chewing before letting the kid have the tiny finger foods.  So I looked at it again, more closely, and picked one up.  Holy Flying Batman!  Chani loves this thing.  She starts flapping her arms like a baby duckling when she sees it she's so excited.

She has a banana in it in this picture, and that's mostly what she gets because they mush easily and she likes them, but we also gave her some saturn peach in it and those things are juicy little things.  With the banana it's like, "Chomp, Chomp, Pull, Swallow, Repeat" with the peach it was, "bite, Suck, Suck, SUUUUUCK, swallow, swallow, suck, swallow, repeat."  I'm looking forward to trying avocado in it sometime soon.

She's growing like crazy.  She's still in the 10th percentile, but she has been since birth so no big surprise.  At her six month check up she was 24 inches long and a bit over 14 pounds heavy.  Tiny for some I know, but when she entered this world at 19 1/2 inches and 6 pounds 10 ounces...I'm impressed.  The only issue with her growing is we need jammies for her.  She had been refusing to sleep unless swaddled and between the drooling and the GERD she's been naked baby alot, so we just swaddled her in a diaper and put her to bed.  But now she's sleeping unswaddled, and even though it's summer I don't like her going to bed in just a diaper, and so she has like three sets of jammies that fit her long legs.

(These were the cutest jammies ever.  They were too big forever so they got put away and forgotten until she was almost too big, so she got to wear them for about a week and a half)

I think I've gone over everything, she's learning cause and effect, she eats bananas like they're the best invention ever and she has no more jammies that fit her.  Okay then, one more picture because she's adorable.

Okay, two more pictures because she's adorably awesome.

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