Friday, November 13, 2009

Late post, but it's okay...Right?

So I had said that I would update on November 4th after my doctor appointment...and I'm over a week late, but that's pretty good for me I think. So let's start with the baby news, I know that that's really why everybody checks out the blog. At my appointment the doctor said everything was looking good, and the only concern she has is that the baby may be laying sideways. She's not worried at this point, but the doc said if she hasn't turned in a couple of weeks, we'll do a sonogram to make sure she's sideways and then schedule an appointment to try and physically turn her to the right position. The only other thing that has brought up any concern was that on Monday (November 9) I ended up going home from work early because I was having some pain across my lower abdomen. It didn't feel like something to worry about, but I called the doctor to double check and she said that it sounded like I just overstressed my round ligament. After spending the afternoon not moving on the couch with a heating pad (the doc said it was okay since I'm in the thirds trimester as long as I used low heat for short time periods and I stopped if I was feeling overheated) I felt much, much better.

The other exciting news we've had so far is that Bryce has a new job!!!!! His last day at Camoplast was November 11, and he starts the new one on November 16. He will be working as a computer analyst for the Kansas Department of Revenue. What that really means, we don't know yet, but it's a good job in Topeka and that means no more commuting. It has some funky hours though, but we're used to him working late so it won't be too bad.

I feel like there was more I wanted to write, some stories or something, but I've forgotten them at this moment so I'll post again when I remember better!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Under Construction

Welcome to the first post of the Klumpe Family Blog. There's still work to be done to it to make it personal and interesting looking, but I think it's good enough to get started with.

I had a doctor's appointment today, and everything is looking good. The baby is moving around, doing lots of somersaults and her heart rate was at 165. I passed my glucose test!! My blood sugar measured at 98, so it's super exciting that I don't have to do the three hour test and drink that syrup again. I get to start going every two weeks now, so my next appointment will be onNovember 4th.

Bryce is doing well too. He's still commuting between Topeka and Emporia, but we're hoping that that won't be going on for much longer.

I had one baby shower, courtesy of my mom, last Saturday and it was really nice to see everyone there. I really appreciate all the clothes I got, just gotta get the thank you notes done and mailed. I have another baby shower, courtesy of my sisters, in a few weeks on November 14th, so we're trying to get ready for that. I'm trying to find all the addresses for the invites to go to. At the same time, Bryce is going to be having a "Man Party" and I think the plan is to head out to the pastures and have a paintball war. The basic idea is that while the women are inside focusing on the baby, the men will be outside focusing on what Bryce can't do for a while after the baby's here. He's really looking forward to the paintball and seeing everyone.

That's pretty much the update on our lives. There's really nothing major or exciting happening right now, just the day-to-day, go-to-work, pay-the-bills kinda stuff. I think we're in the calm before the storm stage of the pregnancy, so if I don't have anything exciting before then I will update November 4th after my appointment.